Our Mechanical Future is a stop-motion animated short film, written, directed, and animated by Jenina Podulka. Created using handmade clay characters, handmade sets, and Dragonframe stop motion software, the film examines materialism and obsession with technology in a world just slightly different from our own.
OMF is a fictional news program, from a world where robotic limbs have become so advanced that they are used as a common enhancement to the human body. Through interviews with regular people, we get to know this world and the way it has been impacted. A subtle, scathing social commentary begins to emerge and make us question how fantastic this world really is.
OMF is a fictional news program, from a world where robotic limbs have become so advanced that they are used as a common enhancement to the human body. Through interviews with regular people, we get to know this world and the way it has been impacted. A subtle, scathing social commentary begins to emerge and make us question how fantastic this world really is.
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